Gradual change is preferable to sudden, large scale change. 逐步的变化比突然的、大规模的变化更好。
It ( institutional change) is incremental because large scale change would harm existing organizations and therefore is stoutly opposed by them. 制度变迁是渐进的是由于大规模的变化将损害现存组织并遭到他们的顽强抵抗。
All the patterns in bud and different parts of scale change at different stages, and the peroxidase activity in bud and adaxial epiderm is higher than that in the inner tissue of scale. 发现芽和鳞片不同部位的同工酶谱带在解除休眠的不同时期均有变化,且芽和鳞片近轴面表皮的过氧化物酶活性明显高于鳞片内部组织。
The earth scale change of climate has brought a new kind of natural disaster and the developed and complicated city system is holding a latent risk of expanding the damage artificially. 地球气候变化已经带来了一种新的自然灾害,也给发展中的复杂的城市系统人为地带来了一种潜在的隐患。
Image matching is often used in target recognition for imaging guidance, but the scale change and rotation of target make this ineffective. 图像匹配是成像制导系统中常用的目标识别算法,但实时目标图与基准目标图存在的尺度差异以及旋转不可避免,这也导致失配率提高。
Chaos analysis of national defense expenditure scale change 国防费规模变动的混沌分析
The logic path, holding the supply and demand of township finance as cut-in point. At first, analyze township scale change with two provinces and advantages and disadvantages of specific township financial system forms. 研究是按照如下分析逻辑展开:以乡镇财政的供给与需求为切入点,首先对乡镇规模变动进行分省区分析,并从乡镇财政体制的具体形式存在的利弊进行了分析;
The key problem of scale change in application of fertilization model is how to calculate the fertilization rate for the plots in the target region with the fertilization model developed at field plot. 施肥模型空间拓展方面的主要问题是如何利用尺度转化方法,将基于田间试验的统计模型用于土壤肥力空间差异较大的区域图斑的运算。
The failure of valve opening sensor would cause valve management of DEH system working confusedly, and result in large scale change of turbine power in the case of governing stage pressure loop idle. DEH系统中阀位传感器的故障会给阀门管理带来混乱,特别在调节级压力回路未投入的情况下会引起汽机功率的较大变化。
Based on wavelet de-nosing theory, a new threshold estimate formula that changes following with scale change is presented, and the wavelet soft threshold de-nosing method to process force signal is adopted. 在小波消噪理论的基础上,给出了新的随尺度变化的阈值估计公式,采用小波软阈值消噪技术对力信号进行处理;
Analysis of the mechanism of scale change in innovation enterprise 试析创新企业规模变动的机制
This research points out a new idea, based on the systematic analyses on the previous studies on landscape pattern and scale change, that is to conduct landscape pattern analyses and scale change for a particular ecological process using pattern recognition approach. 在系统分析了景观格局与尺度转换研究现状、存在问题和难点的基础上,提出了借用模式识别的原理和方法,针对特定的生态过程,开展景观格局分析与尺度转换的思路。
In this paper, we prove the existence and uniqueness characteristic of the solution to a distributed parameter and optimal management of scale change of open fund system by using the theory of C_0-semigroup. 运用泛函分析中C0-半群理论,证明了开放式基金规模变化的分布参数系统解的存在惟一性。
The environment changes of rivers and lakes directly influence social decision-making and economic policy. Anthropogenic activities 'contents, forms and scale change actively or passively following them. 河湖环境的变化直接影响人类社会的决策和经济活动行为,使得人类活动的内容、形式和规模发生被动或主动的改变。
In the pre-processing step, display position will be adjusted by man-machine conversation, median filter clears image noise, edge pre-detection by Sobel operator, and locating and get the geometry center of centrum by tracking the gray scale change; 在预处理步骤中采用人机对话方法作显示位置调整,中值滤波方法进行图像噪声去除,采用Sobel算子进行边缘的粗提取,并使用跟踪灰度幅值变化的方法对椎体进行定位和几何中心的获取;
A filtering method based on wavelet transform with local maximum value was discussed. The method could distinguish signal from the noise according to the different features of scale change. 小波变换局部极大值滤波方法利用信号与噪声不同的尺度变化特性来区分信号与噪声,将噪声从信号中分离出来。
The effects of rotation and scale change with amplitude-compensated filter 振幅补偿匹配滤波中的旋转和尺度变化效应
Collecting the distance axis projection, this algorithm not only work well when the target has the scale change or rotation, but also has the low operation cost. 另外新算法结合了变换图目标区域的轴向投影统计策略,保证了匹配运算量的降低;
Therefore, the theory of scale space main idea is using the gaussian check the original image scale change, get the multi-scale images of scale space said sequence, for these series feature extraction scale space. 因此,尺度空间理论的主要思想是利用高斯核对原始图像进行尺度变化,获得图像在多尺度下的尺度空间表示序列,对这些序列进行尺度空间特征提取。
When the illumination intensity or the weather changes, the traffic signs tilt or the collected traffic signs have scale change, they all could affect the recognition effect of the traffic sign recognition system. 当外界光照强度发生变化、天气变化,交通标志牌倾斜,采集到的交通标志存在尺度变化都会影响道路交通标志识别系统的识别效果。
The fitness function that using real number code and linear scale change is adopted; the selection operator that combines the championship and the best individual is used; the mutation strategy that includes phases is adopted. 采用实数编码、线性尺度变化的适应度函数、锦标赛和最优个体相结合的选择算子、分阶段的变异策略。
RBLS can handle registration between two edge contours with arbitary angle rotation and scale change. RBLS算法可以用来配准存在任意角度旋转以及较大尺度变换范围的两条边缘轮廓。
In addition, the leading firms in scale change are inconsistent in non-standard opinion types of audit reports; there is no stronger tendency indication of leading firms in earnings management controlling after scale change, relative to the non-leading. 此外,规模变更中的主导所并未一致地倾向非标准意见类型的审计报告;规模变更后主导所对盈余管理的控制迹象相对于非主导所而言并没有更强的倾向性。
As far as period variation was concerned, temperature, precipitation, evaporation and runoff existed multi-time scale change character, and had different composition of period. 从周期分析来看,气温、降水、蒸发和径流等要素均存在多时间尺度变化特征,具有不同的周期成分。
Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is invariant to rotation, scale change, and it has good robustness to noise and intensity change. Besides, the speed of matching is improved by about 2 times. 实验结果证明该算法对于旋转、尺度变化均具有不变性,对于噪声以及图像亮度变化具有较好的鲁棒性,且匹配速度比改进前提高了近一倍。
The experiment results show that this proposed method has the advantages of less matching time and better matching performance in the situation of illumination change, scale change, rotation change and overall change. 实验结果表明,该算法在光照变化,旋转变化,大小变化和综合变化的情况下均能有效提高匹配性能和减少匹配时间。
This paper improves the traditional Gabor filters to make them better adjust the scale change of defects. 2. 本文改进了传统的Gabor滤波器组,其能够更好地反映瑕疵的尺度变化。
In Guangzhou new TV Tower at the top of the construction, steel platform is made larger scale change. 在广州新电视塔顶部的施工中,钢平台就做了较大规模的改动。
Because most local features should be invariant to luminance, translation, rotation and scale change, the extraction of local features depends on the specific problems and the knowledge in the relevant fields. 由于大多数局部特征都要求对亮度、尺度、平移和旋转具有一定的不变性,故局部特征的提取更加依赖于具体问题和相应领域的知识。
For the five image deformation of scale change, image rotation, illumination change, noise affecting and affine transformation, comprehensive tests are done on the single-core DSP algorithms designed and multi-core parallel algorithms designed. 针对尺度变化、图像旋转、光照明暗变化、噪声影响和仿射变换五种图像形变,对设计的单核算法和多核并行算法进行综合测试实验。